Friday, October 7, 2011

Almost Done Planning and Process Journal!

So far I have got all my stuff, including my model, and parts of the Plane, also I am almost finished planning the presentation, and today, I have a meeting at lunch with my supervisor to talk about my 1st draft of the written statement, and in the next couple of days, I will do draft #2. I am on my way to almost finishing this project successfully! I will have only a few more posts coming up, because I have to meet the due date for Oct, 28/11 to hand in everything, including this process journal. So, far I am meeting my deadlines, and I will have my 2nd draft of the written statement done for Oct, 20/11.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Almost Done and Starting to Plan for the Presentation

Today, I have finally finished my movie on how to actually put the Plane together, it is about 4 minutes long, with music, steps on how to build it, and strategies on how the Plane flies better. It is a very effective movie, which took 1 week to build and make (with the help of Mr. Britten) in an old application called iMovie HD. I will get a laptop to present the movie with. And, I am almost ready to make my poster, in the next week or so. Also, I will soon get my RC Plane model to show and explain in my presentation with my poster and video. And also, i have just finished my 1,204 word Written statement, and I will finish this journal in the next 2 days or so. It took me 3 days to do the written statement, and 1 day to plan. I am now on my way to getting my poster and presentation ready, as everything is good and on time, I have met with my supervisor, and will again on Oct, 6/2011. I am almost finished this project, and should only have 1 or 2 more posts in the next 3 days or so! I am planning my presentation, and gathering ,my final materials now, and I am up to date, and on track with my things now. In the next few days, I will fins something to show my video on, get my presentation organized, get an RC Plane model to show, make my poster, do my written statement second draft, and get some specific parts of an RC Plane to show during presentation, such as motor, remote, elevator, rudder, etc.