Thursday, November 3, 2011

The last Post, Research, and final Planning Before Presentation

I have finished all of my written statement drafts, and tomorrow I will hand in draft 3 of the written statement, the final draft. I have got my model, parts, research, movie, and plan done for the project, and I am ready for the presentation, except for two factors, one, I need a computer to show my movie, and two, I need to finish my poster board off. Tomorrow I will hand everything in, including this process journal, but I have been quite busy lately, so I am trying my best to get everything done. I will work harder, and talk to my parents about the presentation, and I should be able to overcome my problems, and will soon be ready for my presentation on the exhibition night! I have just finished my third draft of the written statement, and my final research:

The main parts are a transmitter, which transmits signal. A receiver, which receives the signal from a transmitter. A motor, which controls the flaps, wheels, wings, etc of the Plane. A model Plane, usually uses a gas-powered engine. The transmitter sends a signal over frequency to the receiver in the toy. Most planes use a 9-volt battery. Most toys operate at either 27 MHz or 49 MHz (mega hertz). The RC Plan has a full function controller, with many options, the other type is a single function controller, which goes forward with the forward button, but when you release it, it goes backward, so you have to turn it off to stop the toy from moving.

Most full-function controllers have six controls:
  • Forward
  • Reverse
  • Forward and Left
  • Forward and Right
  • Reverse and Left
  • Reverse and Right (I got this last table of six controls from How Stuff works). 

Inside the RC Airplane (RC means cable attached, radio control means wireless, but I am actually building a radio control plane, not an RC one!) When the button is pushed, the electrodes come together, and electrical pulses are released for movement. (How Stuff works gave me next table of pulses). 

Main control pulses:  
  • Forward: 16 pulses
  • Reverse: 40 pulses
  • Forward/Left: 28 pulses
  • Forward/Right: 34 pulses
  • Reverse/Left: 52 pulses
  • Reverse/Right: 46 pulses
The pulse sequence is sent to the IC in the truck, which decodes the sequence and starts the appropriate motor. For our example, the pulse sequence is 16 pulses (forward), which means that the IC sends positive current to the motor running the wheels. If the next pulse sequence were 40 pulses (reverse), the IC would invert the current to the same motor to make it spin in the opposite direction. (How Stuff Works). 

The motor's shaft actually has a gear on the end of it, instead of connecting directly to the axle. This decreases the motor's speed but increases the torque (power to spin things), giving the truck adequate power through the use of a small electric motor! (How Stuff Works). 

Engine of Plane: Internal Combustion Engine (Made by Daimler). 

How it works: The intake is a mix of gas and air, it pushes shaft down, then shaft compresses it up, then a spark is ignited which pushes shaft down again, then shaft goes up, and intake goes through exhaust, and new intake, which keeps wheels turning, and motor going. 

When the airplane moves, the low pressure, and aerodynamic shape allows the air to go over and under the wings, which accounts for more thrust and lift than mass and drag, but which are all factors of this. This allows for fluid motion in the air for the plane. Wings and head of plane should be curved and aerodynamic (can fly through air easily). 

Main source: my knowledge and How Stuff Works. (Anything in brackets that says a source means that that paragraph, or table is not mine). 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Almost Done Planning and Process Journal!

So far I have got all my stuff, including my model, and parts of the Plane, also I am almost finished planning the presentation, and today, I have a meeting at lunch with my supervisor to talk about my 1st draft of the written statement, and in the next couple of days, I will do draft #2. I am on my way to almost finishing this project successfully! I will have only a few more posts coming up, because I have to meet the due date for Oct, 28/11 to hand in everything, including this process journal. So, far I am meeting my deadlines, and I will have my 2nd draft of the written statement done for Oct, 20/11.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Almost Done and Starting to Plan for the Presentation

Today, I have finally finished my movie on how to actually put the Plane together, it is about 4 minutes long, with music, steps on how to build it, and strategies on how the Plane flies better. It is a very effective movie, which took 1 week to build and make (with the help of Mr. Britten) in an old application called iMovie HD. I will get a laptop to present the movie with. And, I am almost ready to make my poster, in the next week or so. Also, I will soon get my RC Plane model to show and explain in my presentation with my poster and video. And also, i have just finished my 1,204 word Written statement, and I will finish this journal in the next 2 days or so. It took me 3 days to do the written statement, and 1 day to plan. I am now on my way to getting my poster and presentation ready, as everything is good and on time, I have met with my supervisor, and will again on Oct, 6/2011. I am almost finished this project, and should only have 1 or 2 more posts in the next 3 days or so! I am planning my presentation, and gathering ,my final materials now, and I am up to date, and on track with my things now. In the next few days, I will fins something to show my video on, get my presentation organized, get an RC Plane model to show, make my poster, do my written statement second draft, and get some specific parts of an RC Plane to show during presentation, such as motor, remote, elevator, rudder, etc.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Some Pictures of What Some RC Plane Parts Look Like!

All the RC Plane parts come down to about 200-300 dollars, and there are multiple of each part needed.

Here are some of the parts:


Monday, September 5, 2011

The Work That an RC Airplane Needs

An RC Plane needs alot of care and work to get going, because even thought they look nice and simple to most, they are very hard to master and build. Before you start building, it is a good idea to learn how to fly the Plane, beacause it is fragile, and expensive to replace. Once you've mastered the controls, it is time to actually build it. It all starts out with a box of wood parts, which contains the wings, body, the propelers, and the wheels. Which you have to manually put together. Then comes the harder part, where you have to setup the remote for the plane, and you have to set up multiple a transmitter on the controller, as well as multiple receivers on the plane to control the direction, and the wings, as well as the rudder (back wing), which helps with direction (side to side). Also, you need a receiver on the elevator (back wing also), which helps with up and down motion. You also need to setup a motor. These are primarily the things you need to make an RC Airplane, but I will go into more depth on my poster and in my video. Tomorrow I will get my RC Plane model to show, and I will also finish my movie next week, also after that, I will do my written statement, then I will do my poster and finish my blog, as well as submit it, then I will get all things organized, finish my poster, practice, and talk to my supervisor, prior to the presentation, to get ready for the final presentation and exhibit.

Some Pictures of What a Finished RC Plane Looks Like!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


EHow. "How to Build RC Airplanes |" EHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Trusted Advice for the Curious Life | Ehow, 1999. Web. 18 Aug. 2011.
Baer, Carl. "Learn How To Build RC Planes." Learn How To Build RC Planes Today! 2010. Web. 18 Aug. 2011.
Staley, Chip. "RC Plane Parts." RC Plane Parts. 4 Nov. 2010. Web. 18 Aug. 2011. <>.

Baer, Carl. The Beginner's Guide To Flying RC Airplanes. The Beginner's Guide To Flying RC Airplanes. Carl Baer, 2010. Web. 18 Aug. 2011.
"How to Build a Great Homemade RC Airplane Really Cheap - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 18 Aug. 2011.

Interview/Expert Source:
Britten, B. (September 20, 2011) Help with the IMovie concept of the project. 

Getting Things Organized, and Starting The Plane

Today I went to BC Shavers to get some materials for my RC Plane. I had some help from my parents, as well as some books from the library. I need to make some more time to assemble all the parts of the project, but I am on my way to being there. I shold be able to finish half of the work needed to make the plane by next week. I will start the written statement when the building is done, and I will keep recording what I do in my journal, as well as changed plans, or things that take me off track, or obstruct my work. I will try to finish the written statement before the deadline by a week, so I can do my IMovie work to make a movie of how to make an RC Plane. I my plans dont work out, and my time is short, I will have to do the IMovie project part a little bit earlier, and save more time at school to go to the lab during lunch or after school to finish that portion of the project on time. But, I realized that getting a new kit and assembling it, as well as buying all the parts will take too long, and will waste too much time, when I could just easily get a model, and learn how it is all built. Building a new plane would also cost 400-500 dollars, so it is too expensive for me. But, I found a way to fix my problem by just getting a model, and explaining the steps to build it, including a movie. Also, I am having trouble fitting all my steps in my schedule, so I am shortening things up, and finding more time, as well as starting the Written Statement soon.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Getting The Parts and Working on The Project

Today, I got all the parts to build my RC Plane, and I read the manuel, and understand how to build it well. I have gotten help from adults for things like electrical wires, but I realized that I didnt have enough time to do my project, so I changed some plans, and got some parts premade. To make the Plane, there is many complicated things, such as putting the electrical wires in the right spot, and many other little details that need to be stressed on. But, I have understood my job, and have started to create my project, and will finish it in a couple of days, after I get all the parts set up. Most of it is done, and I will finish it when I get all the parts, and get more help from adults to make the Plane, and for this, I need more time, so I will try to free up my schedule, and focus more on what I have to do with my project. When I am finally done with my creation, I will completely understand the instructions, and make a poster, or a video based on my work, and understanding for other peoples future learning. But I am not yet on that stage until I finish the Plane, which should not take long, since the parts are almost all gathered, and I understand the manuel, and I already have my parents'help on some things. So far, I am on a good start to my actual creation. After a long break from work, I am on a good path to completion, and setting up more time for work on the project.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Research and Plan

I have done some research on my topic, and I used three different media to research on my topic.
Some of the Research which I have done is:

You must Build it Straight.
Use right type of Apoxy Glue.
Find the Center of Gravity of Plane.
Purchase seperate kit with parts.
Get large, flat building space.
Read Instructions.
Paint Plane Last.
Build with wood, and start out with wings and work your way to center of Plane.
Draw plan of Plane First.
Make Plane symetrical on both sides to give it ballance.
Get a 4 channel radio transmitter and reciever.
Get a wrench, screwdriver, modeling knife, drill, tape, sandpaper, pencils and wire cutters.
For the rest, just get someone who knows about electrical wires to help, and put the pieces of the plane which you built together while following the instructions that come with your store bought kit.

To make movie of instructuions with plane I will use:

IMovie HD to:

Get certain clips which I record, and put them together.
Control lenght of Video, and add effects to make it more interesting, as well as music, and my talking to explain the instructions. I can use diagrams too. I will appear in the video too.

Mind Map:

1.) Techniques Chosen: I will buy the kit, and follow its instructions, and my Research to make the RC Plane, then I will carefully follow my goals set, and finally be able to put a movie together with IMovie HD, and IMovie HD help when needed. I can also get help from experts, and obnly do part by part, instead of blowing it all off on the last day, but work on it during the week, and maybe start a little bit early.
2.) Creation of Product: I will buy the parts from a kit, and follow the Research which I did to make sure that I am doing everything right, and finding things, such as the Center of Gravity for best flight, wiring, etc.
3.) Support and Development of AOI Focus: I can get some help from experts, as well as research alot about my topic, and when I am done, I will share the knowlege which people have taught me to others to pass it on. My AOI is Approachs to Learning.

I am now ready for my next meeting with my supervisor on March 8th, 2011.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Supervisor and Meeting

I have chosen my supervisor, it is Mr. Harrison. I have had my 1st meeting with him, and have finished my criteria for meeting #1. I have handed my sheet in with a signature from my parents. I am going to go to the library and get some information on my topic. I have also decided to make a 'how to' video of my RC airplane. I will get the information needed to buid my plane, and make a video by March, 2nd/11 in time for my next meeting with my supervisor.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Topic and Goals

I have picked my topic, which will be to create a remote control plane. I have my materials set out. I will have to go to the library, or find someone who is an expert with electronics, or designing. I have not yet determined who my supervisor will be yet, but I am thinking of a couple of people who can suit the role. Over the next few weeks, I will need to get more information about my topic, and try to collect some of my materials. I did have trouble coming up with an idea for my project, but I just thought about something that iterests me that I have not tried yet. Tomorrow, I will have to pick a supervisor, then I will talk to him/her about the project to get some ideas on further designs, and information on how to build my RC plane. Then, I will need to hand in my Topic Notification Form into Mrs.Craig. Once I do this, I can go on to the next stage of designing, and reasearching about my topic. I have already handed in my Signed Parent Form.

Goals for my project:

my main goal is to finish this project, and learn something from it, as well as do it on time, and get a good mark from my efforts and hard work.

To do this I will:

-Finish detailed plan for project, and have first meeting with supervisor. Feb 8th/11.
-Complete Research. Meet with Supervisor. March 2nd/11.
-Meet with supervisor. April 15th/11.
-Write in Journal. Meet with Supervisor. Work on Project.  Discuss Project Goals for Summer with Supervisor. May 18th/11.
-Product and Process Journal Completed. 1st Draft of written statement due. Sep 30/11.
-Meet with Supervisor. Oct 6th/11.
-2nd Draft Due. Oct 20th/11.
-Meet with Supervisor. Oct 28th/11.
-Final Product Due. Nov 4th/11.
-Exibition. Nov 15th/11.