Thursday, August 18, 2011

Getting Things Organized, and Starting The Plane

Today I went to BC Shavers to get some materials for my RC Plane. I had some help from my parents, as well as some books from the library. I need to make some more time to assemble all the parts of the project, but I am on my way to being there. I shold be able to finish half of the work needed to make the plane by next week. I will start the written statement when the building is done, and I will keep recording what I do in my journal, as well as changed plans, or things that take me off track, or obstruct my work. I will try to finish the written statement before the deadline by a week, so I can do my IMovie work to make a movie of how to make an RC Plane. I my plans dont work out, and my time is short, I will have to do the IMovie project part a little bit earlier, and save more time at school to go to the lab during lunch or after school to finish that portion of the project on time. But, I realized that getting a new kit and assembling it, as well as buying all the parts will take too long, and will waste too much time, when I could just easily get a model, and learn how it is all built. Building a new plane would also cost 400-500 dollars, so it is too expensive for me. But, I found a way to fix my problem by just getting a model, and explaining the steps to build it, including a movie. Also, I am having trouble fitting all my steps in my schedule, so I am shortening things up, and finding more time, as well as starting the Written Statement soon.

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