Friday, August 12, 2011

Getting The Parts and Working on The Project

Today, I got all the parts to build my RC Plane, and I read the manuel, and understand how to build it well. I have gotten help from adults for things like electrical wires, but I realized that I didnt have enough time to do my project, so I changed some plans, and got some parts premade. To make the Plane, there is many complicated things, such as putting the electrical wires in the right spot, and many other little details that need to be stressed on. But, I have understood my job, and have started to create my project, and will finish it in a couple of days, after I get all the parts set up. Most of it is done, and I will finish it when I get all the parts, and get more help from adults to make the Plane, and for this, I need more time, so I will try to free up my schedule, and focus more on what I have to do with my project. When I am finally done with my creation, I will completely understand the instructions, and make a poster, or a video based on my work, and understanding for other peoples future learning. But I am not yet on that stage until I finish the Plane, which should not take long, since the parts are almost all gathered, and I understand the manuel, and I already have my parents'help on some things. So far, I am on a good start to my actual creation. After a long break from work, I am on a good path to completion, and setting up more time for work on the project.

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